Euganean Hills wine on sale
Known since ancient times, Euganean Hills wines and the region were in the first century A.D. so described by Roman poet Martial “contrade euganee con i dossi dipinti e trapuntati di viti”.
To this date approx. 2500 hectares of vineyards belong to the Euganean Hills denomination and wine growing benefits from the Mediterranean climate influences for its location is close to the Adriatic sea: Venice and the coastline are only 40kms away.
Cooler in the northern part of the region whilst warmer and sunnier in the southern end.
Forever producing wines of the highest quality, the Count Emo Capodilista Farm is strategically located in two hamlets on the extreme ends of the Regional Park: in Selvazzano with its historical vineyards of Montecchia and in Baone with the Monte Castello estate.
Producing excellent wines with a hint of the Mediterranean strength and refined elegance, we often refer to our Hills as “south meets north”.
Wine tasting is available Tuesdays to Saturdays in our Wine Shop.
Colli Euganei wines may also be purchased from our dedicated online store selection at the following link:
Alternatively simply fill in the online contact form to find out your nearest wine dealer.